What is the best entry in this series? Many think it's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and that line of thought is hard to argue. With so many classic franchises attempting 3D and failing at this time, Nintendo was nailing it.

They set forth the template on how other companies should do it. First with Super Mario 64 and second with this game. Of course, there are things that don't make sense about the game as well. That doesn't mean the game is any less fun, but these memes will surely ring true for those that remember it so fondly.

10 Mask To Mask

It's all right there in the meme. Ocarina of Time is connected to the film, The Mask, thanks to the Happy Mask Salesman. Putting on a mask is creepier in Majora's Mask admittedly and shares more of that vibe from the film, but the joke still works for this N64 classic as well. There is something not right about the salesman.

9 My Dude

Changing Link's name to a plethora of titles can make any entry in this franchise more enjoyable. Calling him something as simple as Zelda can even be funny. Using My Dude as a title is just perfect as this meme points out though. What a chill game this turned out to be. It's more like The Legend of the Big Lebowski now.

8 The Legend Of Mozart

Something that has never made sense in these games is Link's sudden ability to become a musician. He learns a few notes, plays them, then jams out as if that is ever enough to make the music he is piping out.

Sure, he is a chosen one so it could be deduced that his genes just have a latent ability. Still, it's a bit maddening and in turn hard to believe.

7 Ganondork

What kind of name is Ganondorf anyway? It's just Ganon with "dorf" tacked on at the end. Did Nintendo think they would fool people with that complexion and name? With a name like that, of course he turned out to be a bad guy. That and all the leather he is wearing must have irritated his skin like crazy. That getup does not look like it breathes. This cool Link meme is spot on.

6 Great Scott!

Here, we end this meme with Doc Brown exclaiming his famous line. Back to the Future did not invent time travel as a concept in media, but it certainly became the benchmark for pop culture. That's why it works for this meme. If only Link could travel through time via a Dalorian. Hey Nintendo, it's never too late for an 80s reboot.

5 Pot Smash Simulator '98

It may be a short game, but having a spin-off starring Link smashing pots in certain scenarios does sound appealing as this fake box art meme jokes. It's always been fun in these games to do it, but Ocarina of Time made the concept more appealing thanks to the sound design. Hearing a pot break was just so satisfying as kid. It may not make sense as to how they reappear again and again, but that's okay.

4 Running With Cucco

This meme is a parody of the Garfunkel & Oates song, "Running with Chicken." That song is itself a reference to a scene in Precious wherein the titular character is running with a bucket of chicken. Speaking of, how do Cucco's taste? No one may know in this world because as players know, attacking one will brings dozens to defend it. Killing and cooking one seems impossible. For those that haven't heard the song, it still holds up.

3 Time Growth

This has bothered players for years now. First of all, time travel itself, while iconic, is a hard pill to swallow. Secondly, how does Link's tunic grow with him? Lastly, conjoined with that thought, where does he get those white tights from? One could easily say magic made the clothes grow with Link but the tights are more of a mystery.

2 Not For Everyone

Ocarina of Time was made for everyone in mind hence the rating. There is no cussing, or blood, but that's not to say it can't be a complete horror show.

There are things in this game that would make Tim Burton blush like the ReDead zombies. How was this for kids?

1 ReDead Redemption

Speaking of ReDeads, how has no one made this joke before? Of course there should be a game starring one called ReDead Redemption. It is a joke too good not to use. And yes, unawakening is not a word, but it works for this meme as it plays off of Link's Awakening. An unawakening then is presumably a joke about death and revenge. Rockstar and Nintendo used to be tight, as they did get some exclusives. Now is the time to rekindle the relationship. Do it for the fans.

NEXT: 10 Games With The Longest Wait Between Sequels